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The AUC is conducting a review of Rule 007: Applications for Power Plants, Substations, Transmission Lines, Industrial System Designations, Hydro Developments and Gas Utility Pipelines and is initiating a series of consultations on specific topics.

Bulletin 2024-08, issued on May 2, 2024, established the rule review and described a written process to gather input and feedback on three specific topics. Each of the topics is set out below and described.

Draft municipal engagement form

Through its Inquiry into the ongoing economic, orderly and efficient development of electricity generation in Alberta, the AUC heard that a municipal concurrence letter or municipal land-use planning checklist should be a mandatory information requirement. Such a letter would either confirm that a project aligns with municipal planning frameworks, or provide justification for any instances of non-alignment. The Commission observed that there may be value in a template form for municipalities to provide information to the AUC.

A draft municipal engagement form has been added to the Consultations Document section on the right. The AUC is looking for feedback on this draft form, including whether it should be mandatory, and whether the proponent or the municipality should be responsible for filling it out.

Methodology for visual impact assessment

Through its Inquiry into the ongoing economic, orderly and efficient development of electricity generation in Alberta, the AUC committed to enhancing the existing visual impact assessment requirements within Rule 007 to include a more structured visual impact assessment methodology within the AUC application review process. The expectations around this methodology are described in the Module A report, and include the following key requirements:

  • A visibility assessment zone, which establishes an area surrounding the proposed development within which the proponent will need to assess the impact to valued viewscapes that are found within that zone. The size of the zone would be based upon the height of the proposed infrastructure and surrounding topography, with higher infrastructure having a larger zone of visibility to assess.
  • The type of valued viewscapes that will need to be assessed include, at a minimum, the following:
    1. Nationally and provincially designated parks.
    2. Culturally significant or historic places.
    3. Recreational and tourist sites.
    4. A consistent method to assess the severity of impact to any valued viewscapes within the visibility assessment zone. This method could include ranking the relative value of the viewscape and ranking the magnitude of change to the viewscape.
    5. Accurate and standard visualizations, to be submitted to assist in assessing visual impacts for valued viewscapes with high severity impact.

The AUC will accept submissions of proposed visual impact assessment methodologies. As described in Bulletin 2024-08, the AUC has plans to hire an external expert to propose a methodology for visual impact assessment, with the work to be completed in summer 2024. The AUC will consider its expert’s proposed methodology, along with any alternate methodologies or comments submitted through this written process.

Appropriate value for field of view in glare assessment for solar power plant applications.

The AUC has been issuing information requests to clarify the field of view (FOV) in solar glare assessments. To streamline the regulatory process, the AUC is proposing the following additional requirement for a solar glare assessment required as part of an application for a solar power plant application.

Use a field of view of 25 degrees for local roads, including range roads and township roads. Use a field of view of 50 degrees for highways, railways, and flightpaths.

The AUC is looking for feedback on the proposed addition, including support from third-party experts.

Rule 007 consultation sample table – setbacks for renewable energy facilities

As discussed during the May 29, 2024, Rule 007 consultation session, the AUC is seeking submissions on the issue of setbacks for renewable energy facilities. A sample table has been added to the Consultations Document section on the right-hand side of this page.

Provide your feedback

The AUC is seeking feedback on each of the above topics. Please provide any submissions in a Word or PDF document, emailed to engage@auc.ab.ca. The attachments will be uploaded to the Engage page within one business day.

Submissions are due on September 3, 2024.

As explained in Bulletin 2024-08, the AUC will prepare a blackline version of Rule 007 for public comment after it has considered each of the topics within its review. Further process and details will be explained in due course.

Questions regarding this consultation can be sent to Laura Johnson at laura.johnson@auc.ab.ca.

  • Written consultation open

    Stakeholders may send their feedback in a Word or PDF document to engage@auc.ab.ca.

    Submissions are due on September 3, 2024.

  • Oral consultation sessions

    Oral consultation will be held according to the details set out in Bulletin 2024-09.

  • AUC issues a blackline version of Rule 007 for written feedback

    The AUC will prepare a blackline version of Rule 007 for public comment after it has considered each of the topics within its review. Further process and details will be explained in due course.