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The Alberta Utilities Commission is seeking feedback to improve the effectiveness of rates proceedings for transmission utilities.  

This includes feedback on the following items: 

  • Timing and coordination of upcoming general tariff and rate applications to support adequate resourcing, avoid delays and ensure predictable and consistent AUC processes. 
  • Process improvements that could improve efficiency and outcomes of negotiated settlement processes (excluding revisions to Rule 018: Rules on Negotiated Settlements, which will be considered in a separate consultation). 
  • Extending and standardizing test periods (three years or longer) for all utilities. 
  • Establishing materiality thresholds for capital.  
  • Other opportunities for improvement identified by stakeholders attending the consultation. 

For materiality thresholds on capital, stakeholders should be ready to discuss the following questions: 

  • How should the materiality threshold(s) be applied (i.e., on capital expenditures or capital additions, on a program, sub-program or project level, should there be different thresholds for different categories, should thresholds be applied per year or per test period, etc.)? 
  • Should there be a different threshold for re-occurring programs versus new programs? 
  • What should the materiality threshold(s) be? 

The format of the consultation will be a virtual roundtable hosted by the AUC on September 12, 2024, at 9 a.m. The roundtable will be run by AUC staff. To participate in the consultation, please email alexey.starkov@auc.ab.ca to attend the roundtable by September 4, 2024.  

The Commission requests that stakeholders submit a short, one-to-two-page outline to engage@auc.ab.ca by 4 p.m., September 4, 2024, summarizing what they intend to discuss at the virtual consultation session. 

Following the consultation process, the Commission may implement any number of the improvements that are either listed above or arise out of the stakeholder consultation.   

Any questions should be directed to Alexey Starkov at alexey.starkov@auc.ab.ca. 

Alberta Utilities Commission